
An emerging faith community, The Lakeshore Collective gathers people of various backgrounds and beliefs, drawn together by the love of Jesus Christ, our care for each other, and our passion for our community. Jesus often gathered people by a lake.  Our choice of name reflects our desire to gather in the same way, whether it is in a park, a restaurant, a coffee shop, a bar, or a home or backyard.  At  the Lakeshore Collective, all people are welcome, and all means all. We believe that all people are created in the image of God, that all people are of sacred worth, and that Christ died for all people. We believe that God’s radically inclusive love excludes no one. We welcome everyone without exception, regardless of age, race, ethnic background, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, family or socioeconomic status, educational background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, faith history or life experience. We believe that the diversity of God’s creation makes it beautiful. We need each other!  We are a church without walls, but wherever and however we gather, it is a safe place for all.  We may see matters of theology and biblical interpretation differently, but we agree that even when we disagree, we do so with love, respect, and without judgment.  We covenant to accept, respect, and love one another along our faith journeys. No matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you believe, you are always welcome at The Lakeshore Collective.

On your schedule

Collective Events and Groups will be meeting at times and places that fit your life

Y’all truly means ALL

Your sexual orientation or gender identity will never disqualify you from any activity at The Lakeshore Collective.

Let’s support each other

 We believe that God’s radically inclusive love excludes no one.

We are United Methodists.

The Lakeshore Collective is a United Methodist Church. We’re proud of our heritage and future of our connection.
There are “Lighthouse Congregations” for those who are looking to connect with traditional congregations who are welcoming and affirming.

However if you are looking for a church without walls – you have found your tribe – The Lakeshore Collective.

Read all testimonials >

The Lakeshore Collective is listed as an LGBTQ+ affirming church on GayChurch.org, a site designed to help people find and connect with LGBTQ+ affirming congregations in their local community, and is a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network https://rmnetwork.org/

A transparent reason why we were formed

The Lakeshore Collective is a forming community to serve those who have lost their United Methodist Church through disaffiliation, or been harmed or excluded from any church, and people who may be new to the journey of faith. While our “official” name is South Catawba East Lincoln Emerging Community of the United Methodist Church, we think that a church without walls serving the northern and western corners of the Lake Norman area sounds way more fun as The Lakeshore Collective.

Especially since we can do things like baptisms in the lake at any time if we feel the Spirit.